Saturday 1 January 2011

Old habbits die hard

I'll admit. That has to be the poorest comeback in history. Even worse than that of Bradley McIntosh from S Club 7 when he attempted to form a band along with those other faceless pals of his in that nameless band.'s a new year so, like all of the other sheep-like creatures in the world, I'm going to claim to turn over a new leaf and do all of the things I should have done last year. I'll make no promises but I'll try to blog more. That's the most I can do. Try, because trying requires hardly any effort at all really. No one else can tell how hard you TRY to do something. A fat person can TRY to lose weight, we'll commend them for dropping a pound, when if they'd put all their effort in then could have lost at least a stone. An ugly person can TRY to be more attractive...but really, what can they do about it? And a racist person can TRY to be racially accepting, but by switching from jokes about Indians to jokes about the Scottish are they really making any effort?
So, I'm going to TRY not to be a totally bone idol slob from this day on.
You have to commend me, I'm trying, really I am.

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